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Kongregate: Learn to Fly 2

Among the many websites offering free games, memberships, and prizes, we have yet another place to check out: Kongregate. This website is in association with Gamestop. As usual, you can create a profile, earn badges, aim for cash prizes, and meet other players online. If you're not into the online community, not to fear; you can play most games without a membership. You can even skip ads without the wait!

Learn to Fly 2 is the top rated game at Kongregate as of July 2011. Like most flying games, the idea is to fly as high and long as possible. This time, however, your character is a sack-like penguin, complete with crossed-out eyes.

The animation is charming, but the game itself is almost too simple. There's little to no control over the penguin as it flies through the air, and the most you can do is buy upgrades when money allows. A few challenges include altitude tests and the destruction of snowmen and icebergs, but nothing spectacular. The most exciting bit about this game is the upgrades. The more you get, the higher you go, and in return the more money you earn for more upgrades. It's the usual cycle in flying games, and entertaining enough if you're looking for a quick flash fix. But if you're seeking an awesome new addition to the flying genre, it's just about average.